#1, Data types in c programming tutorial-[Youtube]

Link to the video about datatypes in c programming


 Data types in c refer to an extensive system used for declaring variables or functions of different types. It is basically used to allocate memory space to variable.

How to create a project in code blocks

  1. Go to files, click on new and then select project. 
  2. Then select the console application. 
  3. Click on c. 

  4. Press next and the give the file name and give the location in which you want to save the c program file. 

  5. Then press next and then press finish. And there you will have a project created for you to write the c programs.

Two types of data types

  • Basic data types
  • Derived data types

Source code:-

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
    //int a; //a is variable of type int i.e an integer
    /* These are
    multi line
    comments */
    //float var; //a is variable of type float i.e a decimal value
    //var = 43.33;
    return 0;

Learn more about data types in c.

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