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What is a Structure
Structure is a user defined datatype which contains collection of elements of both similar and dissimilar data types, grouped together under a single name.
For example
2.These Information contains different datatypes,since all this information is related a single person [a single name] a better approach would be a collection of all these information under single name.
3.Therefore for this purpose Function is used.
struct structure_name
data_type variable_name1;
data_type variable_name2;
data_type variable_name3;
Declaration of the above student example using Structure
struct Student
char name[25];
int age;
int class;
char section;
char gender; // F for female and M for male
The structure variables can be declared using 2 methods:
1) Declaring Structure variables separately
struct struct Student
char name[25];
int age;
int class;
char section;
char gender; // F for female and M for male
struct Student S1, S2; //declaring variables of struct student
2) Declaring Structure variables with structure definition
Example showing how structure variables are declared along with the structure definition
struct Student
char name[25];
int age;
int class;
char section;
char gender; // F for female and M for male
In the Above examples S1 and S2 are variables of structure student.
Initializing a structure means assigning some constant values to the members of structure. The syntax for initializing the structure member variables is:
struct structure_name structure_var = {constantl, constant2.....};
Example :
struct student
char name[50];
int age;
struct student s1={"ram", 20}; //declaring variables of struct student
There are three ways of accessing members of structures
1. Dot operator ( . )
2. Indirection operator (* )
3. Selection operator (-->)
The Last two are used with pointers we will learn about them in pointers.
1. Dot operator
The members of a structure can be accessed by using (.) dot operator. Any member of a structure can be accessed as: Syntax:
Example: sl.name="Ram" ; sl.age=18;
Reading and writing structure variable: Based on the member type structure members can use input and output statements for reading writing
Reading example: scanf("%s", s1.name); or sl.name=gets (); scanf("%d",&s1.age);
Writing example: printf("%s", s1.name); or puts (sl.name); printf("%d", s1.age);
Program example:Below is a C program to create a structure student with fields: name, usn, age, marks and gender. Read details of student and display it.
struct student
char name [50];
char rollno[10];
int age;
float marks;
void main()
printf ("\n Enter the details of Student\n");
printf("\n Name: ");
scanf("%s", s.name);
printf(" Roll Number: ");
printf(" Age: ");
printf(" Marks: ");
printf("\n The student details are");
printf("\n Name: %s", s.name);
printf("\n Roll Number: %s",s.rollno);
printf("\n Age: %d",s.age);
printf("\n Marks: %f", s.marks);
Output :Enter the details of Student Name: RAM Roll Number: 05 Age: 21 Marks: 85 The student details are Name: RAM Roll Number: 05 Age: 21 Marks: 85.000000